
…..and thank you for your interest in our website.

Cadder Church is part of the Church of Scotland. We have a long history but while we value our heritage, we are even more interested in facing up to the challenges of serving God today and tomorrow.

We have the privilege of worshipping in a lovely building in an amazingly peaceful location beside the Forth and Clyde Canal, surrounded by beautifully carved wood and high quality stained glass.

We also have the privilege and responsibility of serving God within the busy community of Bishopbriggs, of showing his love and goodness by caring for our neighbours in partnership with other churches. The panel on the left will tell you some of the stories of how we seek to do that.

We value our website visitors but if you live anywhere near or are visiting the area, please come and see us in person.

Thank you again for visiting our site. Explore and enjoy!

Morning Worship


Intimations for Sunday 20 October 2024.

Sunday service

Here is a recording of our Sunday Morning Service on 20 October 2024 on YouTube. This link will be on the website until next Sunday.

Dates For Your Diary

  • Chat and Play - South Hall - 10 a.m. - 12 noon - 2.11.24 & 7.12.24
  • Sacrament of Communion - 3.11.24 - 10.30 a.m. & 3 p.m.
  • Session Meeting - 4.11.24
  • Remembrance Sunday Service and laying of Wreath and service at the Cross - 10.11.24
  • Armistice - Bishopbriggs Cross 11.11.24 - 10.55 a.m.
  • Latest date for content for DEC-FEB Gazette - 11.11.24
  • Bishopbriggs Light Switch On and Shop Open Day - South Hall - 21.11.24
  • Guild Coffee Morning is on Saturday 30th November 10 a.m. - 12noon in the South Halls.
  • Blessing of the Crib - George Square - 4.12.24 - from 6.30 p.m.
  • CrossReach Christmas Carol Service - Glasgow Cathedral - 5.12.24
  • St George's Tron Praise and Prayer Evening 7 p.m. 6.12.24 "O come, O come Emmanuel"
  • Gift Service - 8.10.24 - 10.30 a.m. - Supporting East Dunbartonshire Woman's Aid and Daisy Chain in Govanhill
  • Service of Remembrance for our loved ones - 8.12.24 - Cadder Church 2 p.m.
  • Cadder Kids Nativity Service - 15.12.24
  • Carols for Peace - City Chambers - 15.12.24 - 3 p.m.
  • Cadder Singers' Concert - Cadder Church - 22.12.24
  • Springfield Cambridge Festival Chorus - 23.12.24 - 7.30 p.m.
  • Christingle Service - South Hall 24.12.24 - 6 p.m.
  • Christmas Eve Service - Cadder Church - 24.12.24 - 11.30 p.m.
  • Christmas Day Service - 25.12.24 - 10.30 a.m.

Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop needs you!

Please have a look at this poster...

Cadder Indoor Street Party

We had a great turnout for our Street Party on Sunday afternoon. It was lovely to see the different generations all having fun together.

There was quite a buzz about the place, especially during the games. Some people got quite competitive!

Have a look at our photos on the Cadder Kids page.

Cadder Church on YouTube

Cadder Church has its own YouTube channel, you can visit and subscribe if you wish. You can easily catch up on things you may have missed.

Our Minister also has a YouTube channel called Rev John's Ramblings where you can access his latest videos giving encouragement, hope and perspective through this national crisis.

Publicise Your Church Event

Would you like to publicise a church event or activity? When a Cadder Growth team or Church organisation event has been scheduled and the venue booked, notice of the event (event description / date and time / where / any further information about the event you’d like shared / where you would like the information to be placed can be given to:

  1. the Minister for inclusion in the Sunday service intimations.
  2. the Website Administrator for (a) publication in the “What’s On Calendar” area of the Church website and (b) the Upcoming Events section of the website Homepage.
  3. the Communications team for inclusion in the next quarterly Gadder Gazette (where timing permits) and for advertising, if requested, through Church communications / social media outlets (e.g. the Cadder Gazette; Cadder Facebook page)

Growing Cadder Church

The Church of Scotland has asked all churches to focus on the '5 Marks of Mission' which are: 1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom (Tell); 2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers (Teach); 3. To respond to human need by loving service (Tend); 4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society (Transform); 5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth (Treasure). The work we are undertaking at Cadder Church in 2024 aims to support advancement of one or more of the Marks of Mission.

The Cadder Growth Plan 2024 is laid out in two sections: MISSION and RESOURCES. We recognise the importance of ensuring that our Resources are in good shape to help enable our Mission. In our second year of working through the new Cadder Growth structure, we hope to see the little buds and green shoots nurtured last year beginning to push their heads above the winter soil. The 2024 plan encourages us to be optimistic, and to see that Spring time in our Church is coming; renewal and growth is but a prayer away. As we start work on our plan for 2024, some of it will be familiar ground, some of it, new territory. We look to go forward with courage and faith, not in our own strength but building and trusting in the mission of Jesus, living out the good news. If we do so, we believe we will see the buds in our Church beginning to blossom.

The Growth Plan brings together the content of 12 individual team plans which make up our new Cadder Growth structure. The work which each team will undertake is presented on a quarterly basis to show the level of ongoing activity across the year. It will be a busy year as we work to bring our Vision for the Church into focus: Cadder Church - A Vibrant Part of God's Jigsaw which is also rooted in the 5 Marks of Mission. In addition to the Growth Plan activities there are a number of organisations active around the Church which also contribute to the life of the Church and are very important parts of the 'Cadder Jigsaw' including: the Guild, Boys' Brigade, Girls' Brigade and the Men's Club. Our What's On Calendar displays our Growth and organisation activities.

Life and Work Magazine

The Church of Scotland website has a "Features" section of excerpts from Life and Work magazine available to read online.

On the page you will also find an archive of previous features from the last twelve months.